Current Client Optimisation - The Marketing Strategy for every year

We have a love-hate relationship, the Internet & me. Some days I find a lot of content inspiring, but more often than not, I get so bored with the same stuff that I often threaten to go back to a typewriter & fax machine.

One thing that I blame the Internet for is the vast amount of articles on how to get new clients, more clients, the perfect client, etc. This phenomenon is leading us to forget the one thing that constantly leads to more frequent sales, better quality sales & a whole lot of goodwill - our current clients.

Marketing Services leading to great sales - Client service

While watching paint dry (investing money into getting new clients) we are blind to the stunning possibilities & opportunities that lie within our current base. But I understand why - you cannot appreciate a painting in its entirety if you are standing with your nose up against it. We are so involved in the day-to-day running of our businesses that we forget about the goldmine that we are already sitting on.

So what if we could spend half of our advertising budget whilst making a 75% profit? What if we could quickly increase our revenue without having to hire another content agency? It's possible, it just begs for someone who can help you see your bigger picture. & all it takes is one day.

Marketing Optimisation & Client Services Optimisation

Current Client Optimisation is a thing & more people need to start to actively engaging more with their current clients. Offering them value added services, adding products that are a great fit, etc. We cannot afford to invest more money into advertising & marketing strategies which 'might' work.

Let's get more out of 2022 than we thought was possible.

The fruit of great online marketing services

A blog by Elsjene Burger